In this guest post by Sheila Lipsey, a certified life coach we’re going to talk about tips to maintaining a healthy relationship. At Friendsah we’re about calling in professionals to be a resource to our community. We’d like to introduce to you, Sheila of SFGHR Strategies a Certified Life Coach

Too often we are in our heads as to when we last saw a friend, when we last talked with a friend, what we said the last time we talked, what we will say if we reach out, whether you have enough time available to talk. We think about it so much that we talk ourselves out of connecting before we even try.sfghr-strategies-pic

Get out of your head

Follow your heart

Good friends are connected in multiple ways and on multiple levels. Respect differences of opinion. Healthy friendships can withstand disagreements. Do not hold grudges.

Spur of the moment connections are the best and appreciated by most friends. When your heart tells you it is time to text, call, or whatever your choice is to connect, then follow your heart.

Be present in the moment. You found time to talk. Do not let distractions take away from the time you have. When you show up, do not throw up. Meaning, do not make the connection all about you by only talking about you and your life. Be curious and LISTEN to what your friend has to say.

Practice empathy. Your friend may be having a “moment” when you connect. Provide an empathetic ear. Avoid saying “at least” to anything your friend shares with you.

Remember the most important moments in your friends’ lives such as birthdays and anniversaries.

A simple call or text to say “hi” or “thinking of you, I trust you are safe and well” can go a long way to creating and growing a healthy friendship.

Follow your heart. Stay out of your head.

If you guys have questions or would like to talk with Sheila visit her at